Buy Testosterone Cypionate USA at a good price. Testosterone Cypionate is one of the testosterone esters that is widely used in sports, mainly in bodybuilding to gain muscle mass. Cypionate is very similar in action to the testosterone ester Enanthate, however, it is considered to be longer. The beginning of its use in sports should be considered late 40s, when Soviet athletes tried the effects of testosterone esters on themselves, increasing their strength. With the help of this drug world records began to be conquered with enviable regularity. Nowadays, the aforementioned drugs are prohibited in all kinds of sports.
In all testosterone esters a high rate of anabolic and androgenic activity is noted, which characteristically affects the active increase in muscle mass. However, there is also an estrogenic effect – the drugs are aromatized in the body, i.e. its they are converted into estrogens, which subsequently appear in the form of side effects, such as: gynecomastia, female fat deposition, water retention.
Buy Testosterone Cypionate (Testosterone Cypionate) is recommended for those athletes who want to increase muscle mass in a short time. In addition to this effect, on the course Cypionate exhibits the following effects:
- significant increase of endurance and strength of an athlete;
- increased appetite;
- protects muscles from destruction (anti-catabolic effect);
- increase of hematopoiesis in the body;
- helps to recover faster after training;
With all these positive effects, like other steroid drugs, Testosterone has a fair amount of side effects. Due to the fact that the drug is aromatized in the body, the manifestation of edema, gynecomastia is possible.
These negative effects can be prevented by adding aromatase inhibitors to the course: Proviron or Anastrozole (used when side effects have already appeared to eliminate them). Due to the fact that Cypionate is converted into dihydrotestosterone in the athlete’s body, side effects such as acne, high blood pressure, baldness may occur.
Also, like any testosterone ester, Cypionate significantly inhibits the secretion of its own testosterone, therefore, its long-term intake is strictly prohibited. The aforementioned side effect is easily eliminated by PCT – with Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) or Tamoxifen.
The course of taking Testosterone Cypionate (Testosterone Cypionate) should not exceed 10 weeks in duration (in cases where Gonadotropin is added at the final stages of the course, it can be extended up to 12 weeks). For gaining muscle mass, Testosterone Cypionate is best combined with Nandrolone, Boldenone or Methane (Methandrostenolone).
Cypionate dosages on the course depend on the weight of the athletes. Weighing up to 80 kg – 400 mg / week (2 injections), 80-100 kg – 600 mg / week (3 injections), from 100 kg and above – 800 mg / week (4 injections). It makes no sense to exceed these doses due to a sharp increase in the risk of side effects, and the athlete will not get extra gains from overdosing.
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