Meldonium (Mildronate) was first synthesized in the 70s of the last century. It is necessary to maintain the metabolism of human internal organs, primarily the heart and brain. Being a metabolic agent, Meldonium is able to normalize the metabolism of cells suffering from ischemia and hypoxia.
The drug is used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, is also used to support the body in the period after surgery, can be used to improve performance, to combat physical or mental stress.
Is Meldonium a doping?
Based on the rules and requirements of WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency), Meldonium is a doping. It was included in the list of prohibited drugs on January 1, 2016. Prior to that, for some time, WADA inspectors monitored its effect on the human body. If an athlete takes part in professional competitions, he/she cannot use the drug.
There is no consensus on whether Meldonius can be considered a doping. So, in particular, the inventor of the substance, Ivars Kalvins, considers the idea of including Mildronate in the list of prohibited drugs to be absurd. Unlike steroids, which can significantly improve the results of an athlete, Meldonium does not have such an effect. Many experts point out that there have been no proper clinical studies to prove the effectiveness of the drug.
Athletes who took the substance replaced it with L-carnitine, which has similar properties. In bodybuilding, there are no prohibitions on the use of mildronate. Moreover, after the media began to actively talk about this drug, the interest of bodybuilders markedly increased.
How Meldonium acts on the body
The effect of a substance on the body is reduced to accelerating the movement of triphosphoric acid (plays an important role in energy exchange) and to accelerating synthesis in cell structures. Meldonium has a beneficial effect on the functioning of body cells, on their energy status. The pharmacology of the drug is manifested in:
- Improving blood circulation (which is especially important after strokes and coronary artery disease).
- Enrichment of cells with oxygen during the development of hypoxia.
- Deceleration of cardiac muscle necrosis in heart attacks.
Why do athletes need Meldonium
The drug gained popularity among athletes for a reason. Its beneficial effects on energy metabolism and stimulating effects on the nervous system have proven to be very beneficial during strenuous training. The drug is also useful in mental stress.
During active training the body does not have time to recover. Since the substance has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes, cells receive energy, spending less oxygen for this. The athlete’s endurance increases.
The drug is often used by bodybuilders. The transmission of nervous excitement is accelerated, which in turn leads to accelerated work of the muscles. Under significant loads, the body actively loses energy, the concentration of fatty acids in the cells decreases. Meldonium helps cells to adapt to a lack of acid, prevents them from dying and maintains their functionality.
Mildronate is indicated for:
- Heart attacks.
- Ischemic disease.
- Chronic bronchitis.
- Poor circulation.
- Ophthalmic diseases.
- Heart failure.
- Diabetes
- Kidney disease.
- Increased intracranial pressure.
- Hypersensitivity
The drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding. The benefits and harms of Meldonium
In addition to the side effects identified by clinical studies and practical experience, the use of Mildronate does not carry any harmful effects.
How to take Mildronate
The drug is taken under the supervision of the attending physician or trainer. You should be very careful when combining Meldonium with other drugs, in particular, with nitroglycerin and drugs that lower blood pressure.
After taking the medicine, a person feels a surge of strength, and his health improves. In order not to experience problems with sleep, the last appointment should be done no later than 5 pm.
Method of administration and dosage
The drug is taken once or twice a day, half an hour before meals or an hour before training (if we are talking about athletes). The dose is calculated on an individual basis: 15-20 mg of Meldonium per 1 kg of weight.
The course lasts from one and a half to three months, and it is recommended to take a break of one month.
How long is Meldonium excreted from the body
Decomposition products of a substance can be found in the blood up to six months after the last use. This explains the fact that in the samples of many athletes who stopped taking Meldonium in accordance with the WADA recommendations, traces of it were still found. The half-life is relatively short, up to 4-6 hours.
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